Monday, July 12, 2010

My Balcony Patti!

Yesterday turned out to be a rather eventful day towards the night!
It was 6.30 PM and I was lazying outside in my balcony wondering why I have reduced my tim outside in the balcony so much these days. I was thinking to myself, probably its because the patti ,who was very old, who used to sit and gaze down onto the streets has actually stopped sitting these days. she has become very sick. I was wondering how she manages her day to day activities this way. Soon it may be time for her to GO.
Then I went in to get ready to go to the reception of Rubina, one of my school sweet hearts ( Probably THE). I suddenly heard a loud cry from across the balcony. Since I was half dressed, I peeked out of the window. I could see a lady looking down upon the patti lying down in the balcony and wailing loudly. I understood! SHE HAD PASSED!!
I refused to beleive it! I rushed to Prashant's room! He was browsing. I asked him to go to the balcony and checked! He confirmed! I was completely shocked. How can the patty pass away in less than an hour of my thinking so!
Then there were some disturbing moments of ppl carrying out her remains on to the street and laying it down. Then I saw an Glass box around her. Then in the morn I was awakened by the conch. I was very eerie. suddenly I started hating my house. Wanted to leave to Office!
Prashant wanted me to read Carlos and get to know that death was a good thing. I dont know. I really he is really strong. I was glad I was married to him!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Everyone is....

Genius! Everyone is……………….
Everyone is a genius in various ways.
Nature’s job is to create a balance between these geniuses.
It does so by give one genius the ability to gauge what he does not have and therefore sense that in another genius. Therefore see how they can make a team and accomplish something. For eg: having a child
Other eg: acquiring wealth, knowledge, beauty - only a really ugly girl can sense the real beautiful or the value of it – applies to the rest, only a man can completely define a woman and so on…
Hence thinking and analyzing whether I should waste my genius-ness for accomplishing a certain task for someone else is a waste of time. Bcoz even otherwise thts wat you will be doing. In some way or the other. So use your genius-ness in picking something that will give you (also) the maximum benefit and just do it. Something like the famous win-win situation.
The famous ‘ Survival of the Fittest’ also means this. Fittest you are, if you can sense what it is and where is it and fetch it for yourself.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Wednesday

My God!
One Sexy movie.
One hell of a bold and gutsy movie!
What did the director think? Is he giving ideas to the common man?
Especially bcoz the hero has been emphasized a stupid common man.
Probly stupid is the only signal to the entire movie's action but will everybody notice that?
What if anyone takes takes this seriously?
I dont know..

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blood Relationships (with increased clarity)

There are people who come into ur life at particular instances! (Like sometime during school,
college, work, etc.. ) But this meeting you will cherishwhile it is happening. You will wish and think will last life long.
And they may be some which are ur blood Relationships. For eg: ur parents, sisters, brothers, their relatives, other relatives, etc. These ppl you would have spent time in patches, some regular intervals of your life. During these moments there may be instances of wonderful time spending and instances of hurt, disappointment, etc.
If there are hurtful disappointing experiences amongst friends, you may choose to abandon them. But it is not so when it happens within Family, Blood Relationships and almost Blood Relationships. Why is that so?
When you find the Freinds taking a different life path from urs, you dont mind losing them. However, if your Blood Relationships take a different life path, you do mind. You still feel you belong to them. And there is this invisible umblical cord connecting both of you. You make all the effort to stay in touch with them. Watever happens in your life: eg: you insult them, they insult you, you cheat them, you create a mistrust, they act calculative, you find either of you swinging back into a good relationship.


@ Chennai

This is my first blog.
Sad that I m complaining in this.
But thats the reason why I wanted to start blogging.
The incidents that I came across here taught me a lot of things. Brought me up from a town girl to a city girl.
Equipping me for life.
Probly this was part of one and I need some venting out.
Arranged a call taxi for my relatives to and from Airport since he was returning from US.
The call taxi company was a regular for us.
He said 400Rs. I agreed. Thinking we got a good rate.
That wud have been the rate anyways. Its normally 200 Rs. 1 way.
But morning my relative said tht driver got 600 Rs. from him.
I called the call taxi guys. They said they will get back in the evening.
No news yet!
I just called them.
The guy who I spoke to was not there.
Told me to call again tomo.
I traced the Driver's No. from my mob and called him.
He lied saying it was waiting charges. But they were not part of the conditions.
When are we gonna change?